Monday, October 24, 2011

Modest little baby {T}

This sweet little girl was 9 days old on this day.  I used to work with her mother, who by the way looked gorgeous after just having had a c-section nine days prior. 

We all love a naked baby, but this little lady did not want to disrobe. Each time we got her naked, she let her mom know she did not like it.  So we decided to keep her swaddled........and these pics still turned out absolutely beautiful.  Congrats again to you both!

This is my favorite prop from the day. A vintage doctor scale that I purchased at an antique shop.  I love the reflection in the wood!!


mom's hand on the left and dad's hand on the right, simply precious.



1 comment:

Lytles said...

I LOVE the window frame and the scale is to die for! Great props!