Sunday, September 4, 2011

"The Monkey"

Before she was born, she was referred to as "Baby K" and it stuck even after birth. We also often called her "the Monkey". Oh how I looooooove her sparkly eyes.

I always try to just post a few from each post, and sometimes it is hard to narrow down my favorites, especially when I am biased because they are my own daughters. The first 5 minutes of this shoot was so funny, Kennedee was such a little poser, as if she'd seen it done a million times before. And I know you are all surprised when I say I don't actually take that many photos of my girls, seriously I don't. I need to make a goal to keep my camera on me at all times. I often rely on Grammy to get the pictures at all the special events.


Katie said...

so many fun pictures. K is getting so grown up. and that little tay, well, i think i'm going to steal her the next time i see her. i love her little smiles and how her whole face is part of it. she is getting so big. still a baby, but big. sad that these kids of our have to grow up so fast. i miss them...but not for long...soon i'll be just a few hours away and i won't have to see them grow up in just pictures. ps. i see more of you in tay with each picture that i see. k too, but she is still her daddy!

Lytles said...

I love Kennedee's shoes! Great poses. I also love the template. You will have to tell me about where to find it.